7th post for my Blog.
Been having an issue with my Linux Mint Desktop System for the past few months. Ever since I purchased a Dell U3219Q monitor the cursed Desktop would not show the MB boot splash screen nor the Option to boot into the BIOS. Using a different monitor all worked just fine. I had been putting off investigations. I finally got around to connecting up a different monitor and booting into the UEFI BIOS. After reading the manual I toggled on a config for PCIE Compatibility and then stupidly updated the BIOS as well. Goes without saying that the thing now boots just fine and the Dell U3219Q shows the Splash screen and BIOS. Sadly I don't know which of these two things fixed or changed the behavior.
Google course continues I am at the end of the first section and about to attempt the assignment. I have been enjoying doing this course and the practice/revision has been fun and good. Some of the questions have made me think and stretch my logic a bit which is a good thing.
IOS 14 has been released today and I have applied it to the iPad & iPhone and am currently waiting (Not so patiently) for Watch OS 7 to install. Such a slow process has been going for over an hour and it is still not complete, no wonder it is usually done overnight.