Misc Stuff that needs doing

5th post for my Blog.

Today was a day of maintenance. Cleaned a keyboard, re-imaged and updated some Ras-Pi's, Swapped to a better 27" monitor for the test bench. Helped T get his Study Mojo back. Well I tried. Listened to Early Alice Copper Albums, Overall a day of stuff. Have started on a journey of playing with Web Scraping, using the Real Python article https://t.dripemail2.com/c/eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjoiNjIxNDUwMCIsImRlbGl2ZXJ5X2lkIjoiM3QwZWpvaWRzZHYwajVpaWhqZTIiLCJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3JlYWxweXRob24uY29tL3B5dGhvbi13ZWItc2NyYXBpbmctcHJhY3RpY2FsLWludHJvZHVjdGlvbi8_X19zPW92OXdzbTdjbXZmMXVzcXdncGl5In0

The difference in speed between Ras-Pi 1 & Ras-Pi 4 is quite astounding, they are much much faster and still the same price. It gives me hoe that a RISC Mac Won't be a bad thing at all. Bug time::: MacOS BigSur, updates of the Beat causes Git and other things to stop working. This seems ot be due to the version reporting for the OS. The Solution, manually down load the latest Command LIne Tools beta from https://developer.apple.com/download/more/ Go through he process of re-install. This is a bit tedious as so far each and every Beta Update has made this re-install necessary...Sigh!!!

