Ras Pi PoE Hat Fan speed

16th post for my Blog.

Have been being annoyed by the constant whirrrr of the small fan on a Raspberry Pi 4 PoE Hat. The fan just goes all the time. Did some searching and finally found the solution. Firstly for the version of Ubuntu I am using the files to be changed are located at /boot/firmware/config.txt and not /boot/config.txt as most siolutions say.

So after braving the joy that is StackOverflow I found this link, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68369382/raspberry-pi-poe-fan-hat-with-ubuntu It sorted out the location and by applying the fix and a reboot it works. I am monitoring the RasPi with inxi -s and th etemp does not get above 70DegC so far. It's not a hot day. Here are the lines I added.


And of course a reboot is needed to apply these settings.

